Thursday, April 17, 2014

Bathymetric Map

Bathymetric maps use contour lines to create detailed topographic images of the sea floor.The end result of this process is to be able to clearly depict the size, shape, location, and density of underwater features. The bathymetric map is a key resource tool in the development of energy and marine resources. The bathymetric map above was the first of its kind to map a realistic ocean basin. The surveys taken to develop this bathymetric map were done in the late 1800s in the Gulf of Mexico. You can tell by the range of colors that the darker the blue is on the map the deeper the ocean is in real life.

Social Network Map

A social network map connects individuals through a common variable. Each circle on the social network map above is a representation of one individual, the size of their circle indicates Body Mass Index, and the lines are drawn for family and friendship ties. This social network map is based on a population of 2,200 and according to the data drawn if people who you are connected to by friendship or family ties that are obese or become obese increase your likelihood of becoming obese. The percentages vary depending on the type of connection.

Bivariate Choropleth Map

A Bivariate Choropleth map uses a single map to convey the data from two different variables for a given geographic area. In order to distinguish between the two variables different symbols or colors are used to depict each set of data. The example above is a bivariate choropleth map of Illinois from 2006-2010 describing rates of colorectal cancer and mortality rates. The different shades of blue on the graph represent the age-adjusted incidence rates and the circles of varying sizes are used to show the age-adjusted mortality rates per 100,000 population. As you can see from the graph, areas where incidence rates are low (in light blue) are also areas where mortality rates are low.

Triangular Plot

A triangular plot compares the similar and different aspects of three variables along an equilateral triangle which sum to a constant. the triangular plot above depicts the relationship between the ultramafic rocks with relative amounts of Olivine, Hornblende, and Pyroxene. If the rock is made up of more than 90% of any variable then it is classified as Dunite, Hornblendite, or Pyroxenite. This graph can serve a great purpose when attempting to determine the amount needed from each variable to create a particular final product.  

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Bilateral Graph

Bilateral Graphs are created to show the overlap or intersection of two corresponding variables. The Janzen-Connell hypothesis describes the relationship between seed distribution and seed survival. As you can see from the graph as distance increases from parent tree the probability of seed distribution decreases but chances of seed and seedling survival increases. The two variables intersect at a certain distance which is the optimal area for the distribution of seeds with the highest chance or survival. This diagram is used in biogeography to illustrate why tropical forests are so diverse. In the tropical forests there are a lot of seed predators so parent trees are required to distribute their seeds further to help ensure survival. This is a check and balance relationship that creates great species diversity in the tropical forests. Bilateral graphs, such as this one can be very beneficial in comparing the relationship of two related variables.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Isoline Map

Isolines or contour lines are used to create Isoline Maps. Isoline maps are also topographic maps that join points of equal value that are being measured. Isolines allow the cartographer to convey three dimensional data onto a two dimensional surface. On isoline maps when the area between the isolines is very narrow that indicates a large increase in the third dimensional variable over an extremely short distance. This is the opposite when there is a wide gap between the isolines. The isoline map shown above features the Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon National Park. As you can see from the map there are different rates of descent in elevation during the course of the 9.5 mile hike. In areas of greater change within a short distance the isolines are closer together while in areas where the hike is more of a leisurely walk the elevation does not change as rapidly and the isolines are further apart.  

Aboriginal Songline

Aboriginal Songlines are maps that route the history of indigenous beings across much of Australia. The songlines tell of the landscapes they encountered, the animals they hunter, and the food that was gathered. The songline presented above is a map containing all of Australia and the route that was traveled directly through the middle of the continent by Aboriginal peoples. The Aboriginal songlines are a cultural, spiritual, and beautiful way of mapping our journeys.